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Feb 5

First Post

Posted on Thursday, February 5, 2009 in Uncategorized

Thanks to my friend Nathan Reed for hosting and for helping me setup this blog.  Nathan knew I couldn’t let my brother Jay ( have such a cool blog without some competition.  Hopefully friends and family will find my posts interesting and helpful in keeping up with what I’m doing.  So,  here’s what I’m up to….

Work:  I fly helicopters for the Navy’s helicopter squadron HSC-28.  I’m currently working on becoming an H2P (Helicopter 2nd Pilot).  To do this, I’ve got to prove myself to be a competent co-pilot.

A 60S performing vertical replenishment.

Katie, my beautiful wife, is a Naval Surface Warfare Officer on the USS Gettysburg out of Mayport, FL.  She’s the Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer for the next 2 weeks, then she moves to Charleston, SC for another school.

Home:  Kate and I bought our first house in Norfolk last August.  I think Kate’s plans are to make curtains the next time she up to visit.